28 November 2008

I've been awarded!

I've been awarded (my very first!) the Marie Antoinette Award for blogging by Tilt Creations. In the giving spirit of the holidays, I am awarding the following blogs with this same honor:

Kentucky Lake Views

Laura K Finds Her Way

Aurora's Garden

Bad Kitty Art Studio

Ramblings of an ADD Jewelry Designer

Whimsy by Mari


Official RULES:
1) Please add the Marie Antoinette award photo on your blog

2) Place a link to the person from whom you received the award

3) nominate 7 exceptional blogs to receive the award

4) put the links to those blogs on your blog

5) leave a message on their blogs to tell them they are the chosen ones

I am not much of a rule follower, so it's gonna take me a few days to let everyone know, but I will!! Eventually. In the meantime, I had alot of trouble picking only seven since I have an unhealthy addiction to reading blogs (call it internet voyeurism, whatever), so check out the blogs on the side too, while you're at it!

Congrats to everyone! Including me! Thanks Tilt!


Jama said...

Thanks Corinne! I'm blogging about it right now, before I forget. (Don't you love Google Alerts?)

Heather said...

Thank you! I will get to posting it and awarding soon, it's crazy around here! Thank you it's a lovely award and I sure appreciate you awarding it to me. I hope your holidays are super fine fantastic and I also hope that you wioll simply sell out for the season. All the best!
Love, Heather (aka BAD! Kitty Art Studio)