25 April 2008

Here Comes the Sun!

I have seasonal affective disorder, I'm sure of it. I have been moping and puttering around the house for what seems like the longest winter in history, but this week it went from 40 degrees to 80! So I am a happy girl. Make that delirious. Why, you ask? Why, I must be crazy to offer my newest jewelry set at such a steal, especially when I wanted to keep it for myself. Yes, alot of love, meticulous work, and good vibes went into this piece.

Want to see more? Visit the Grand Opening of my Etsy shop online: www.daydreamartstudios.etsy.com


1 comment:

Corry said...

Hey there, Ms. Corinne~

I came across your site totally by accident.. although, I believe there are no such things as accidents. You see, my name is Corinne Sullivan as well. I reside in Chicago however, but there are some strange similarities between you and myself. I consider myself to be somewhat crafty. I've dappled in oils, and water colors. Nothing as nice as yours, however. I've made the attempt to make jewelry, but I guess the urge wasn't that strong. We make lots of crafts at my house, and I've done lots of scrapbooking.
I have two daughters which I have homeschooled. They are both attending public school presently, but the younger one will be home schooled for 7th and 8th grade. I happen to love etsy!

I just got excited when I found you because of your name, but then found it ironic that we were both into arts and crafts and homeschooled our children.

Well, have a wonderful week. I hope it's filled with sunshine and creativity.

Very sincerely,

Corinne Sullivan